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Showing results 293 to 312 of 4183 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A job recruitment system using semantic web technologyP. Niaphruek
2014-02-11Jump-diffusion with stochastic volatility and intensityMontakan thongpan, Sarun Wongwai and Nonthiya Makate
2012Key factors influencing capital structure decision and capital structure dynamics evidence from listed companies in setSupa Tongkong
2014Large Deflections of Cantilever Beam Obeying Generalized Ludwick’s Material Model Subjected to Follower Distributed LoadSokheng Touch
2022Learning management by using group discussions to develop learning achievement in psychological education courses for fourth-year students at Sichuan university of science and engineeringTong Wu
2022The learning management through the direct instruction model to improve vocal music skills for secondary 5 (Grade 11) studentsLimin Zhang
2022The learning management through the scaffolding teaching to improve learning achievement for 1st year of secondary vocational studentsJing Sun
2022The Learning Management through the Student Team Achievement Division Combined with Mind Mapping Techniques to Develop Learning Achievement for 1st Year of Secondary Vocational StudentsXiaoling Zhu
2022Learning management using project-based learning in innovation and entrepreneurship courses to develop learning achievement for undergraduate studentsTing Zeng
2022The learning management using the virtual reality technology to improve learning achievement for secondary 5 (Grade 11) studentsHeng Tao
2002A Low Cost Approach To Design The Tesla Transformer For Testing Of Insulating MaterialsK. Nakaviwat; S. Kumpiranont; P. Apiratikul
2011Low temperature degradation and characterization of natural rubberChaikumpollert, Oraphin; Sae-Heng, Kewwarin; Wakisaka, Osamu; Mase, Akio; Yamamoto, Yoshimasa; Kawahara, Seiichi
2009-01-10Low temperature hydrothermal synthesis of monodispersed flower-like titanate nanosheetsJitputti, Jaturong; Rattanavoravipa, Thitima; Chuangchote, Surawut; Pavasupree, Sorapong; Suzuki, Yoshikazu; Yoshikawa, Susumu
2023Lower limb exoskeleton of robot assisted trainerElang Parikesit
2013Luminance and chromaticity measurement with 3D object mapsTakuma Nishida , Yasuhiro Seya and Hiroyuki Shinoda
2020The Machine Game Automatic for Reading Skill Using Internet of ThingsThosporn Sangsawang
2003Maintenance process for transmission towersPrachoom Khamput
2013Makeup color combination according to facetypes of Korean womenKyoung Jin, BAEK, Young In, KIM
2022Management of English language teaching through social media application to create motivation for learningChunyue Guo
2009Managing supply chains: lessons learned and future challengesLaw, Kris M. Y.; Helo, Petri; Kanchana, Rapee; Phusavat, Kongkiti