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Showing results 508 to 527 of 4183 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013The use of colour measurement in research into art heritageElza Tantcheva, Vien Cheung and Stephen Westland
2005The use of municipal solid waste ash and calcium carbide waste as partially replacing cement raw materials for cement productPilisan Krammart; Somnuk Tangtermsirskul
2022The use of student teams achivement divisions technique to improve vocational English score: A case study of Jinchang secondary vocational school of technologyLijun Zhou
2012Use of Trichoderma reesei RT-Pl crude enzyme powder for ethanol fermentation of sweet sorghum fresh stalksPongsri Siwarasak; Pradatrat Pajantagate; Kanoktip Prasertlertrat
2005Use of wind energyBoonyang Plangklang
2013Using color shading for pineapple ripeness classificationChatchai Suppitaksakul
2022Using communicative activities to enhance the English speaking skills of the first year high vocational students at Prachin Buri technical collegeSirani Songsri
2013Using GFRP to develop the mechanical performance of structural insulated panelsMeng Jing; Werasak Raongjant
2007Using para rubber mixed in moderate lightweight concretePrachoom Khamput
2557Utilization of Elderly Workers in ManufacturingKhuntarose Sanwong; Sageemas Na Wichian; Salinee Acharry; Youdhagarn Acharry
2020Utilization of organic banana peel extract for enhancing immune response of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)Thanyarat Naksing
2017The utilization of radio frequency identification (RFID) on operational performance through supply chain management and logistics performance of automotive industrySirichai Kingsida
2015Value relevance of corporate governance on firm value in the comprehensive income contextWaewdao Promsen
2013Vision, light, and color –Mechanism of seeing and techniques for displayingHiroyuki Shinoda
2009-12Volumetric interpretation of protein adsorption: Capacity scaling with adsorbate molecular weight and adsorbent surface energyParhi, Purnendu; Golas, Avantika; Barnthip, Naris; Noh, Hyeran; Vogler, Erwin A.
2013Wastewater treatment for flexographic printing factory by adsorption with corn cob charcoalL. CHAYADA, N. SUCHAPA, K. PONTAKORN and V. WACHIRAWICH
2009Wear Mechanism of Hot Forging Die from the Viewpoint of DiffusionMae, Y.; Poonnayom, P; Wongkrajang, A.
2011Wind Machine for Wastewater TreatmentWirachai Roynarin
2013Working memory in color: an FMRI studyN.Osakar, T.Ikeda,M.Osaka
2013A Worldwide Survey Method For Memory ColorsKenta Kawada, Naokazu Aoki, Shoko Imaizumi and Hiroyuki Kobayashi