ดุษฎีนิพนธ์ (Dissertation - BUS) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Shared Value Affecting Firm Performance of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of ThailandMonthira Kitsamphanwong
2020Impact of the Mediating Effects of Accounting Conservatism on the Relationship among Board Characteristics, Ownership Structure and Real Earnings Management of Thai Listed CompaniesPhimpaka Jaimuk
2020The Influence of Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework on Firm Performance with ERP Cycle ImplementationJanjira Deelert
2019Determinants of Export Performance: A Case Study of Gems and Jewelry Industries in ThailandNutnapha Lekhawichit
2019Early Warning Signs of Problem Firms and Their Turnaround StrategiesPornthip Manodamrongsat
2019Effect of e-business adoption on relationship quality in travel agency–supplier relationship: A perspective of supply chain managementKolchai Pinyokul
2018The Effects of International Entrepreneurship Characteristics on Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in ThailandOranoodj Ruepitiviriya
2017The utilization of radio frequency identification (RFID) on operational performance through supply chain management and logistics performance of automotive industrySirichai Kingsida
2017The effects of it capability and data analytics on firm performance through market orientation and innovationWijit Jarunopratam
2017Green support and the use of information technology productsPakvalit Kurkoon
2017Trust and justice as mediators on transformational leadership, transactional leadership and organizational citizenship behavior of employees in higher education institution of Rajamangala University of TechnologyAmphaphorn Leelamanothum
2017A resource-based view approach on mediating effect of logistics integration capabilities on firm performance: an empirical study on the food processing industry in ThailandNarongchai Kitrangsikul
2017The Effects of Environmental Factors and IT Investment on Organizational Performance through Innovation Capabilities and Disruptive Innovation Management in the Electronics IndustryWirat Butwapee
2016The effects of controlling shareholders and information asymmetry on earnings quality of Thai listed companiesKanoknapat Sokhiaw
2016The effect of corporate sustainability disclosure on financial performance in ASEAN countriesPromporn Poowadin
2016The effects of ownership structure, board of directors and organizational performance on stock turnover through voluntary disclosure of Thai listed companiesTeerarat Pinmee
2016Factors influencing the use of knowledge management systems: a case study of the manufacturing sector and service sector in ThailandKanyarat Kamprom
2016Effect of previous experience and travel motivation on behavioral intention: moderating influence of the new-age elderly in Thailand as an emerging countrySalitta Saribut
2016An analysis of corporate governance, earnings quality and stock returns of listed companies on the stock exchange of ThailandRasita Sangboonnak
2016Determinants and consequences of corporate social responsibility on firm performance: Evidence in ThailandChutimant Boonnual
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 67