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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Corporate Social Capital and Enterprise Performance: Exploring the Mediating Role of Knowledge Integration Ability and the Moderating Effect of Well-performing and Poorly-performing EnterprisesQingjuan, Zhu
2023Influence of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance through Competitive Advantage and Earnings Quality:Evidence from Thai listed Companies in Service IndustryBoonchukham, Pakchanya
2023Relationship between Degree of Internationalization of Enterprises and Quality of Financial Reports in China: The Moderating Roles of Audit Committee CharacteristicsLi, Tianbao
2023Moderating Role of Financing Constraints on the Influence of Supply Chain Concentration and Strategic Deviation on Firm Performance through Trade Credit Financing: Evidence from Chinese Listed Manufacturing CompaniesMeng, Qiang
2023The Influence Mechanism of Chinese Lithium-ion Battery New Venture Growth Based on the Perspective of Entrepreneurial CharacteristicsZhongxi, Huang
2023Moderating Effect of Audit Quality on the Relationshipbetween Corporate Governance Code and Firm Performance: Evidence from Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange ofThailandWalaiporn Nuansa-ard
2023Effect of Resilient Leadership on Sustainable Business Performance through Enterprise Innovation and the Moderating Role of Executive IncentivesNan, Shuhua
2023Mediating Role of Earnings Management in the Association between Ownership Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Thai IPO FirmsMetta Semsomboon
2022Moderating role of sustainability disclosure on the relationship between intellectual capital and firm performanceSiraprapa Suksamrong
2023Influences of Environmental, Social, Governance Performance and Institutional Ownership on Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Managerial EfficiencyPenprapak Manapreechadeelert
2022Mediating effect of technology acceptance and self-efficacy in the relationships among transformational leadership, charismatics leadership, and service quality in primary healthcare provision unitsRatsanan na kalasindhu
2022Mediating effects of accounting conservatism on the relationship between corporate governance and cost of capitalSurachai Am-ugsorn
2020A development of strategic management model of small and medium enterprises in the automotive parts industry in ThailandSuthisa Juntarbutra
2021Effect of Board of Directors’ Characteristics on Corporate Sustainability and Firm Performance through Corporate GovernanceMalee Jaturat
2021Causal Model of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning, Absorptive Capacity, and Organizational Innovation of the Food Manufacturing Industry in ThailandNuanluk Sangperm
2021Factors Influencing Voluntary Disclosures and Their Impacts on Stock Returns: Evidence from the Banking Industry in ThailandNathaporn Gunnarapong
2021Impact of Post-Purchase Brand Touchpoints on Customer Brand Engagement and Repurchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Relationship Quality and Self-Brand ConnectionSurasak Suthongwan
2021Effect of Internationalization on IPO Underpricing in Thailand: The Moderating Roles of Institutional Investors and Founder StatusTharitsaya Kongkaew
2021Influence of ERP System and Demand and Supply Environments on Supply Chain Performance with Information Integration and Information CapabilitiesChanphen Tonsakun-Aree
2564The Role of New-Genre Leadership, Good Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Leader-Member Exchange on Project SuccessThadsuang Boonyathikarn
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 67